Alessandro Antonucci

Senior Lecturer-Researcher at IDSIA (USI/SUPSI-DTI)


Polo universitario Lugano
Via la Santa 1
CH-6962 Lugano-Viganello (Switzerland)

Imprecise Probability Group Member. IJAR Area Editor.

My major research interest is in the of robust probabilistic AI.

I mostly work investigate probabilistic (and imprecise-probabilistic) graphical models and their applications to approximate reasoning and machine learning.
This involves many different sub-areas such as causality, tractable models mixing logics and probabilities, but also applications to natural language processing, recommender systems and reinforcement learning.


Aug 14, 2024 I will give a lecture on AI to the Sipta Summer School 2024.
Apr 26, 2024 Paper on Knowledge Intensive Learning of Credal Networks, co-authored with Saurabh Mathur and Sriraam Natarajan, accepted for poster presentation at UAI 2024.

recent publications


  1. Journal
    Efficient Computation of Counterfactual Bounds
    Marco ZaffalonAlessandro Antonucci, Rafael Cabañas, David Huber, and Dario Azzimonti
    International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Aug 2024
    Synergies between Machine Learning and Reasoning


  1. Journal
    Approximating counterfactual bounds while fusing observational, biased and randomised data sources
    Marco ZaffalonAlessandro Antonucci, Rafael Cabañas, and David Huber
    International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Nov 2023